The songs Wet Clothes & Dried Food
Wet Cloths & Dried Food
Been out here three weeks now
Me and my backpack
I want to walk “End to End”
The Bibbulmun track
It’s been pretty constant up to now
This cold and bloody rain
It gets inside your very core –
Messes with your brain
‘Cos I got
Wet cloths and dried food
Been on the track too long
Wet cloths and dried food
Listen to my song
I’ll be at Bevis hut quite soon
At five or quarter past
The clouds have lifted the sky is blue
The rain has stopped at last
I hope to hell they’ve left some wood
In the hut to dry
Tonight I’m going to light a fire
At least I’m going to try
All my cloths are soaking wet
From walking in the rain
I hope to dry them by the fire
To start off dry again
Penny is the campfire queen
I could do with her tonight
She’d grab a bunch of leaves and twigs
And get that fire alight
And when the fire is roaring
Wet socks will start to steam
I’ll get to thinking of gourmet food
It’s sort of like a dream
I’ll boil the billy and check my bag
I’ll have a cup of tea
I still have two packet soups -
“Veggie” or “Ham and Pea”.
In three more weeks my walk is done
I’ll finally reach the end
The long hard hill at Piesse Brook
I’ll grudgingly ascend
All hardship and adversity
Will be put aside
The pride I’ll feel within myself
Will be very hard to hide
© Geoff Morgan 21 June 2006
Been out here three weeks now
Me and my backpack
I want to walk “End to End”
The Bibbulmun track
It’s been pretty constant up to now
This cold and bloody rain
It gets inside your very core –
Messes with your brain
‘Cos I got
Wet cloths and dried food
Been on the track too long
Wet cloths and dried food
Listen to my song
I’ll be at Bevis hut quite soon
At five or quarter past
The clouds have lifted the sky is blue
The rain has stopped at last
I hope to hell they’ve left some wood
In the hut to dry
Tonight I’m going to light a fire
At least I’m going to try
All my cloths are soaking wet
From walking in the rain
I hope to dry them by the fire
To start off dry again
Penny is the campfire queen
I could do with her tonight
She’d grab a bunch of leaves and twigs
And get that fire alight
And when the fire is roaring
Wet socks will start to steam
I’ll get to thinking of gourmet food
It’s sort of like a dream
I’ll boil the billy and check my bag
I’ll have a cup of tea
I still have two packet soups -
“Veggie” or “Ham and Pea”.
In three more weeks my walk is done
I’ll finally reach the end
The long hard hill at Piesse Brook
I’ll grudgingly ascend
All hardship and adversity
Will be put aside
The pride I’ll feel within myself
Will be very hard to hide
© Geoff Morgan 21 June 2006