
Everyone should "End to End" The Bibbulmun Track once in their life. This is a record of our attempt.

Location: Australia

Monday, November 12, 2007

Dwellingup Weekend

We are doing the presentation again at a small charity folk festival this coming weekend at Dwellingup. When we did it at Araluen it went down a treat.

The Creation Song

The Creation Song
Words: Geoff Morgan Music: Margaret Morgan

The land was sleeping
Nothing moved, nothing grew
When the Waugal rose
And came into view
She travelled far
Throughout the land
Left a winding track
In the dusty sand

Then grew tired
You can see her still
Crouching in silence
In the broken hill
The rains then came
And the world began
The birds, the bush
Animals and man

So treat as sacred
The mother earth
Who to the Rainbow
Serpent gave birth
Save and protect
Her resting place
And all the time
Her spirit embrace

On a sunny day
When the rain is neigh
You may see her spirit
Proud in the sky
Pause for a moment
Pause and reflect
And treat the land
With great and respect